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* We will endeavour to ensure that the Content and the product descriptions on the Site to be accurate and complete as possible. We however do not warrant that Content and product descriptions are accurate, complete, current or error-free. 



* Prices are shown on the Site in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD). Prices displayed on the Site at the time your order is accepted will be honoured except in the case of obvious error. Whilst we use our best endeavours to ensure that all prices appearing on the Site are accurate, we do not guarantee that they are error-free and reserve our right to rectify any errors. 



* We do not guarantee that the use of the Site and Services will be error-free or that the Site or the servers that make it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. We recommend all users of the Site to ensure they have up-to-date software, including anti-virus, installed. 
* Some events may happen beyond our reasonable control, such as adverse weather. Under such conditions, we will always do its best to aim at maintaining its Services but will not be responsible for failing to meet any obligations.



* The Site may include links to other websites or resources that are not operated or prepared by us. We have no control over such sites and resources and we will not accept responsibility for them or be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with your use of them.
* We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-Site pages, which include but is not limited to advertisers of the Site. Use of these external websites or resources will be at your own risk and subject to the terms of use and service contained within each of such sites. 


1. 產品描述

我們將盡力確保本網站的內容和產品描述為準確和完整。不過, 我們不保證內容和產品描述均為準確、完整、最新和無誤。



 本網站所標示的價格為港幣,我們盡力確保本網站所顯示的所有價格準確, 但不能保證所有價格無誤, 並保留更正任何錯誤的權利。


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4. 第三方連結

* 本網站可能包含其他非由我們管理或準備的網站或資源。我們不能控制此等網站及資源, 因此我們對任何使用此等網站及資源後而引致或與其有關的損失、損壞或指控概不負責。
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