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Brands 品牌介紹

Donald Russell

Introduction 介紹

Donald Russell the holder of British Royal Warrant. Donald Russell’s meats are free from artificial colours, additives, preservatives. As the Royal’s favourites, the tenderness and taste of Donald Russell is renowned in the country and even overseas. Lambs are all matured for a minimum of 10 days whereas beefs are matured from 10 to over 28 days ensuring the tenderness and good taste. The level of care and accuracy that we take has given our expert team a reputation for immaculate, high specification butchery and has earned us the monitor ‘The Rolls Royce of butchers’ in the UK press.


英國皇室御用的著名品牌Donald Russell的產品,不含人造色素、添味劑、防腐劑。貴為英國皇室的寵兒,肉質的鮮嫩和美味程度,在英國國內必定是首屈一指。上乘的羊西冷、羊架和斧頭牛肉眼,以及在本港罕有的進口野生禽類,絕對不失英國皇室的上等氣派。羊肉和牛肉分別經10日和28日熟成,肉質會較柔嫩,肉味會更香濃。而且產品全由專家人手切割和修裁,規格保證優質。


Certified Angus Beef

Introduction 介紹

Certified Angus Beef ® defines the standard by which all beef is measured. No shortcuts and with a virtual obsession with flavor and juiciness.It’s the tale of a group of farmers who, in the 1970s, got together and said collectively, “We can do better. We can produce beef that’s extremely tender, juicier and always packed with flavor.” They then proceeded to set the standards that have become the true mark of quality of an Angus brand. 


認證的安格斯牛肉®品牌定義了所有牛肉衡量標準。沒有快捷方式,並與風味和多汁虛擬痴迷。 這是一群農民誰,在20世紀70年代,聚在一起並共同表示,“我們可以做的更好的故事。我們可以生產的牛肉是非常嫩,多汁和總是擠滿了味“ 他們接著設置了已經成為一個品牌安格斯品質的真正標誌標準。



Berkridge Kurobuta

Introduction 介紹

Extra effort – it’s the difference between merely satisfactory and simply sensational, especially when it comes to the finest dining experience. Extraordinary restaurants earn their stripes by starting with the best ingredients and adding their own special touches to consistently delight even the most discriminating palates. America’s elite pork producer, Berkridge, earns its reputation by starting with the finest breed and adding its own recipe of extra attention to produce meat of unrivaled excellence.


加倍的努力使它不僅僅是令人滿意的,尤其是當它涉及到最好的用餐體驗。 非凡的餐廳用最好的原料開始,加入自己的特殊的一面,甚至始終如一地取悅最挑剔的口味贏得他們的條紋。美國的精英豬肉生產商, Berkridge ,贏得與最好的品種開始,加入了自己的格外重視配方,成就了無與倫比的卓越聲譽。


Introduction 介紹

The diversification of Coren's production is the driving force behind its commericial section, dedicated to satisfying the demands of consumers.


西班牙的國家名牌, 擁有國際 ISO 22000 食物安全認證的生產廠房。高雲牌照顧每個家庭需要、重視家庭想法、重視產品質素及提供最好的給每一個家庭。

Jamie Oliver

Introduction 介紹

Jamie Oliver is a phenomenon in the world of food. He not only displays incredible culinary talent, but also a passion for creating fresh, honest and delicious food. Although he is now one of the world's top celebrity chefs, his commitment to simple, unpretentious food remains, and with it, his drive to break people's lazy eating habits and get them cooking again.
Jamie passionately believes that cooking doesn't have to be complicated. With a little bit of basic know-how, cooking tasty food for yourself, your family and your friends can be quite simple. No-one should be nervous about having a go!




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