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About Us 關於

Natural. Organic. Healthy. Gourmet

People nowadys is increasingly focused on healthy eating , GLORY FOOD  sincerely provides you world-wide range of high-quality gourmet food, all the products are imported by renowned & registered local importers, which are natural , healthy , worthy, and most of them are being served in major hotels and restaurants. Hope you enjoy these high-quality gourmet food at good pricing.


現代都市人越來越注重健康飲食,GLORY FOOD 誠意為注重健康及品質生活的您提供各類優質環球食品,所有貨品均通過本港著名註冊食品入口商進口,為本港各大酒店及高級食肆所採用,天然,有機,健康,超值。例如優質英國風乾熟成牛肉,美國特級安格斯牛肉,紐西蘭羊架,法國鵝肝,挪威天然三文魚,西班牙有機雞,意大利有機意粉等等。我們希望將更多優質食材,以物超所值的優惠價格與你們分享。


Shop Address: Shop 100, G/F., Whampoa 108 Shopping Centre, 19-23 Man Tai Street, Hung Hom, KLN.


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